Before I discovered Human Design a few years ago I used to think that making important decisions effectively and sticking to them was something that lay out of my reach. I kept getting stuck in that loop of making choices in the midst of my excitement only to deeply regret what I had committed to the very next day. I felt as if it was down to pure chance whether or not I had got it right or not. And I felt really disempowered in it, to be honest. Because even when I know I’ve made the wrong decision, I still feel this compulsion to see it through regardless. And you know the frustration that that can lead to.
But then one day Human Design appeared almost randomly on my doorstep. A friend of a friend had discovered this amazing system and recommended that I give it a try. It was a mix of I-Ching, Astrology, Kaballah and the Chakra system and required me to type my date, time and place of birth into the software which would generate what was called my own personal body graph. I made a print out of it and stared at it for what felt like hours. Not really knowing yet what it was spelling out to me, but fascinated for sure. I just knew that something significant had happened but I didn’t quite grasp what.
When I made my frist enquiries into what I could learn from the almost alien-looking image, I discovered that it contained detailed information about everything I had brought into this lifetime. It spoke of my strengths, my gifts, how I move in this world, how I make decisions and how I listen to my own inner authority to enable that. It spoke of my profile, the main theme underpinning my life, and the magic that happens when we all interact with each other.
I dug in and started doing my own research and didn’t realise that this incredible tool was about to become my trusted companion on my further journey through life. Fast forward a bit. I had a serious of readings done and was absolutely amazed when I realised the depth of the information that was in my body graph. And it was incredible how accurate it all was. I knew I had to know more and just dived headlong into the whole thing.
I came to fully recognise myself in it all. And I learned to trust my strategy and authority as I noticed that they were enabling me to make important decisions that I was truly aligned with. Ones that I could fully stand by, knowing in my heart that they were so right for me. No more second guessing.
I loved reading other people’s body graphs for them and learning more about myself and the world as I dug in deeper. This empowered me further in my problem solving capacities which I loved. And offering far-reaching solutions in an orthodox way. I’m a Heretic-Investigator and so Human Design is really up my street.
When I read for others I always make a point of saying that this system, amazing as it is, is ultimately an invitation to step in and explore. Nothing is set in stone and it’s important to make your own personal experiences of what your body graph is waiting to whisper to you. Take the information. Play with it. Try it out. See how it works for you. And if you love it, you come back for me.
Just never let it become dogma. Let is unlock a whole new world for you. Let is help you step into clarity and move forward joyously. And lightly.
If you are interested in finding out more, check out my Human Design services page. I have a short taster session on offer that might interest you.
I look forward to hearing from you.